31 May 2009

Bailout! The Game

I am trying to keep constant tabs on the bailout news for implementation into another game concept surrounding the Bailout! issues.

Websites viewed today:

The verdict is in! Most of America does not want to bailout GM. I think that most taxpayers are getting the picture that our hard earned money that was saved to buy a Ford (or whatever you drive) is also being used to pay for someone's GM car. I guess we are wising up to this boundless government spending issue.


This article is has some interesting information. I am not sure how true all of it is, but it concludes that the bailout of AIG is promoting Islam and Islamic Law is governing a now a taxpayer owned business. This is a tricky legal issue that is in direct contradiction to the laws that established of our country. The government better figure this one out and fast.


In this article, the dreamer and creator of NASCAR is highlighted as a great innovator of a new industry. It also states that at no time did the Johnson family request a handout in even the most difficult times. Americans are in a financial crunch and need to embrace our entrepreneurial spirit. When things get tough, think of ways to embrace the difficult times, come together and find a way out.

The birth of NASCAR is a story that mimics my life lately. I am an architect in an industry that is swiftly coming to a halt. Banks will not lend money to business owners to start new construction projects and in turn, I found a substantial amount of extra time. With my new found time, I have not sat idle, saying to myself 'Woe is me...' My wife and I have worked hard at a concept, created it and now are selling it to the public. The result is a board game called Bailout! The Game, a board game; plus a card game and t-shirts have also been created all centered on this theme.

If you are in a similar situation, use your time wisely to better your situation. Whether it be education yourself or creating something, this economic status will not last forever. You need to be ready to pick up and run when the market changes. I encourage you to be prepared.

28 May 2009

Bailout Game doesn't work

Here are some links I researched today:

The bailout is as frustrating as possible. The government spends billions upon billions to jump start our economy, but nothing works. Banks aren't lending money, special projects will not happen for years to come, businesses are failing and they are forcing small businesses to close down. This just aggravates me. I heard one story of a business owner of a car dealership that has been family owned for 50 years were told to close their doors. Can't sell cars anymore. The government pushed our money (without my permission of course) into the car company for them to turn around and tell that tax payer that unfortunately the bailout was not for him. Now a successful business is required to be closed by the government. I am worried because that is too far reaching for the government to force a family business to close. This is not a big bank that cannot afford to fail. This is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but its everything to the business owner and its employees who managed to make it work in tough times.

GM does not know where the bailout money went to and the government is trying to account for the cash. They gave the money to keep the business afloat. Now, they are trying to run that company but slowly and surely pushing it into its grave. The article stated that GM is going to file for bankruptcy anyway. Good job politicians. Wise investment.

MSNBC's political website states nothing about the bailout, but the business section talks about GM's inevidiable bankruptcy, but sheds the 'hope' that the company will recover and become profitable. They just shed $20 billion dollars and don't know what happened to it. Why would politicians put more money into this sinkhole for cash.

Lastly, CNN's parnter on this story in the TIME website is worried about prostittutes in Bankcock and how the recession is affecting them. Are they for real?

On another note: Has local government gone crazy?!?: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,522637,00.html
What was that amendment.... Oh yea! It's the first one, a right to religious freedom!